Rachel Pedersen Course: Social Media United Review

Rachel Pedersen is here with her social media marketing course, selling dreams and claims to help you achieve freedom. But is it all talk or can she actually deliver on those promises?

I saw one of her ads on Facebook, it was impressive, she sure does know how to put an ad copy together. Queue, social media united review.

Words such as ‘Imagine what true freedom looks like..’ and ‘Create your own schedule and work from anywhere.’

While it’s definitely possible, it does take hard work to become a social media expert that other businesses are prepared to pay good money for.

Selling dreams unfortunately gets courses bad rep, so let’s see what the content is like.

social media united review

Who Is Rachel Pedersen?

Rachel claims to be the queen of social media and her greatest honour in life is being a wife and mother to three children. While business is important, social life comes first and it’s evident in her ad copy for the course, she wants you to do the same.

Aside from her course she works with social media managers to achieve their freedom and created the course to teach you how to do that. She’s a well known speaker and instructor and appears to be a strong supporter of Clickfunnels.

Rachel started out making $600 per month from her first client (but it took 30-50 proposals to get to that point) which is a pretty good start. She then helped a client go from 4k to 180k in revenue before moving on and building her own business.

While she does actively post on Youtube, the lack of views and subscribers doesn’t match her ‘social media success.’

It would appear social media united was originally a Facebook Ads and funnel building course but has now transformed into a social media management course.

Social Media United Course Cost

Currently the course is a subscription service that costs $1 to activate your 7 day trial.

The trial is referred to as a scholarship but apparently does give you access to the entire course.

This converts into a premium subscription called SMU Club which is $69 per month.

If you could go through the entire course in 7 days, then your monthly fee is for a live Q+A monthly, the FB mastermind and of course ongoing support from the number #1 cheerleader.

There is a one time bump on the sales page, $39 for list building training.

It appears the course originally cost $997 or 6 x $199 payments.

You can cancel the membership whenever you like, 3 days notice required to stop auto billing. So you need to cancel your trial within 4 days or you’ll probably get billed the first $69.

Social Media United Review

Currently at the time of writing there were 950+ other students enrolled in the course.

It’s unclear whether these students are all paying members or if they are on trials as well.

The course content was split into multiple modules including:

  1. Complete relationship funnel building
  2. Facebook Ads mastery
  3. Planning and building funnels
  4. Automated webinars
  5. Facebook groups
  6. Securing sales
  7. Email automoations
  8. Implementations
  9. Live Q+A calls
  10. Community forum
  11. Alumini access.

Final Verdict

It’s obvious Rachel knows her stuff but the course is very similar to the profit league which is also sold as a dream course and then ends up costing a small fortune to actually get into the club. If Rachel is making 7 figures per month with her clients I’m not sure why she needs to charge $69 for a membership portal.

In the course there are endless success stories so it probably does work but after reading most of them they all seem to have been structured the same way using tick boxes and icons, almost as if a paid review or incentive to post a review was made.

There is no mention of a social media united discount coupon code. There is also a no refunds policy so ensure you are fully aware of the renewable subscription after 7 days so you don’t get an unexpected charge.

The course is definitely not a scam and is trustworthy.

An Easier Online Business?
Affiliate marketing is definitely the easiest way to make money in 2020 with limited start up costs and using your own time to create results. I’d recommend checking out The Best Affiliate Marketing Courses where you can get started right away.

Last Updated on January 23, 2019 by Rhys Dale

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2 thoughts on “Rachel Pedersen Course: Social Media United Review”

  1. Nothing against her training it’s not just for me. I canceled but I was still charged. Now, I have to live in paying 1-month access to training that I don’t need because they don’t want to give a refund. Bad experience ever.


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