I was completely unaware Tristan Broughton had his own course until a reader asked me to review it. I’ve watched a few of his e-commerce videos on Youtube and he sounds like a genuine guy with a thick Aussie accent that you actually want to listen to.
The first impressive thing to note is there’s no videos of him driving around in a rented Lambo like the majority of our guru’s in the USA who seem to lease them without much effort.
So let’s dive right in with the product winner blueprint review.
The course is currently priced at $297 which is a good entry level price point (the price is going up soon) so you probably want to act sooner rather than later if you’re interested in buying Tristan’s course.
It’s important to point out that Product Winner Blueprint isn’t marketed as a drop shipping course although there is a lot of content within the modules related to product sourcing via drop shopping.
The landing page is hosted on ecomladder.com which is one of Tristan’s website and the checkout page uses Thrivecart. It states you’re getting access to the following:
- 7 Modules with 50+ training videos
- Lifetime update videos
- Access to Facebook mastermind group
- Bonus module for increasing AOV.
Product Winner Blueprint Review
Going through the checkout page was a piece of cake, I’m a huge fan of thrivecart and actually use it for some of my own businesses due to the responsiveness and integration with Stripe and Paypal -two options you can choose to pay with. You’re entitled to a 7 day money back guarantee which isn’t long but it’s long enough to see for yourself how good the course actually is.
This is what the members area looks like:
When I originally purchased the course there were only 6 modules and around 1500 people in the Facebook group. Right now (June 2018) there is well over 1000 people who have committed to buying Tristan’s course.
In recent weeks he has overhauled the members area and included more modules. Rumor has it that there is going to be a ton of new Facebook ads videos in the coming weeks as well to compliment the new features in the FB ads platform.
As a member you’re paying a one time fee to access the content and any subsequent updates. There is no monthly fees and no annual renewal fee.
The first video where I suggest you start is the welcome video which explains how to use the members area and how to take action on the videos in the course. All videos are hosted on Vimeo and are high quality with a user quality setting of 360 – 720P on most of the videos.
You’ll quickly find out the modules are as follows:
- Store Setup
- Product Research
- Facebook Pixel
- Facebook Targeting & Testing
- Facebook Retargeting
- Facebook Scaling Roadmap
- Increasing Store AOV
- Automation & Team Building
- Email Marketing
Initially when I signed up it appeared to be a short and simple course however it’s come a long way since then and if you’re signing up now you are definitely getting much more content.
Module 1: Store Setup
There’s a few videos here and focus on the type of store to create, the best theme to use and pricing your products. Tristan clearly points out what I recommend to my own clients and that’s to start a general store before creating a niche or branded store. You only need one store for all your products.
Tristan then goes on to recommend using Shoptimized theme which is a premium theme similar to eCom Turbo and Booster Theme. From my personal opinion I find eCom Turbo a far better alternative.
There is also recommendation on a free theme called ‘Brooklyn.’ There is no wishy washy videos on creating your store to waste time. You’re on your own when it comes to store setup so checkout Youtube videos however Tristan does cover this on his Youtube channel so I suggest checking it out there.
There’s a video on page structure and this includes Tristan’s layout which is pretty standard:
- Use high quality images without watermarks
- Include a 50% off sale price
- Include, ‘Not Sold In Stores & Limited Quantity Remaining’
- Include 2-3 sentence description
- Bullet point your features
- Add 2-3 week delivery due to high demand.
- Click ‘Add To Cart’ button before stock runs out
- Use different colors, underline, bold & italics
- Use up to 5 customer promises.
Now if you were using eCom Turbo, all these features can be implemented plus much more. For example you can add countdown timers, coupon popups and one time upsells.
The pricing video recommends you use all prices ending in 99. Personally I recommend 95, 97 or 99, I can’t say I’ve found one more converting than the other but Tristan recommends 99.
Module 2: Product Research
Tristan starts the module with a video on what not to sell before going on to tell you how to leverage existing product research and his product selection criteria.
There’s then a video he calls his ‘hidden gem technique’ for finding drop ship stores to use. I was excited, this guy is going to show us a resource for finding drop shippers, half way into the video it became clear it was about finding established drop ship stores to get inspiration from.
Next is a short video on using specific keywords in Facebook to find trending products.
Lastly is a video on Aliexpress on how to source products. This seems to be a normal trend in drop shipping courses. You will find good content here but I’d recommend doing further research yourself.
Module 3: Facebook Pixel
Four videos complete this module on setting up your Facebook Ad account and then installing your fresh pixel. Lastly there is a video on setting up custom conversion events within FB and Shopify.
It’s possible that this module and number four will be updated in the coming weeks (June 2018)
Module 4: Facebook Retargeting & Testing
This section has most of the content of all the modules and the first video includes a targeting myth video followed by a video dedicated to understanding Facebook audiences and profitable countries, fairly obvious which ones you should target?
Next there is a PPE testing setup video and an interest stacking and flexing one. Then he looks at the audience insights vs ads manager research and the exact targeting Tristan uses. This section has been updated recently.
There is then a video dedicated to winning video ad creatives and concludes with a video on retaining engagement when duplicating to WC ads.
Module 5: Facebook Retargeting
Another module with only 3 videos but they are important. There’s an introduction to Facebook retargeting, what exactly is it and why you need to be using this method for your online store.
A video on how to setup retargeting ads within your Facebook ad account.
Lastly how to setup variant retargeting which is good if you are selling physical products with a variant such as sizing or color. You can retarget the exact product that people clicked on to buy in your store. Most other courses don’t include a video on this so it’s good to see this in Tristan’s course.
Module 6: Facebook Scaling Roadmap
The first section includes a document on the dangers of scaling and boy there are lots of problems newbies will run into.
There’s a video on the PPE to WC Transition Roadmap which is a 2 part video series and includes download .pdf documents to accompany the videos.
There’s videos on creating lookalike audience scaling and duplicating ads. Then Tristan goes on to shows us his own methods for further scaling. Okay the quality here is good and not taught in other courses.
There is seven videos in total (currently) and they all offer good value.
Module 7: Increasing AOV
The first video discusses the important of AOV and the next videos include a free shipping incentizier, product page hack, bundling, order confirmation cross-sell conversions, limespot setup and one click upsells.
If you remember earlier we discussed premium Shopify themes? Well eCom turbo and Shoptimized and Booster Theme actually all offer these features by default so unsure why there’s an entire module at the end of the course for this? I’d be doing this from day one, wouldn’t you?
Money Back Guarantee
This course only offers a 7 day money back guarantee. If you do want a refund then you need to contact their support department to arrange.
Is Product Winner Blueprint A Scam?
It’s definitely not a scam or fraud and you do get access to eight modules and over 50 videos. This is a great course and an impulse buy. There is no second thought needed here like a $500+ course. The price is low and you get lots of content. Tristan Broughton is a genuine guy with a Youtube channel and does appear to actually make money with drop shipping while also coaching online.
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is Product Winner Blueprint?
This is an eCommerce and dropshipping course taught by Tristan Broughton and includes over 100 lessons on how to start your own online business.
This digital course, offers the best learning including topics such as product research, supplier research, creating a store, creating ads, paid and free traffic.
Who is Tristan Broughton?
Tristan is an entrepreneur from Australia who has been making money with eCommerce for years. He now mentors thousands of students.
Is this the best dropshipping course?
Product Winner Blueprint is one of the best courses out there. It has content on both Facebook and Google Ads which not many courses have. It’s reasonably priced and includes a money back guarantee as well as an exclusive Facebook mastermind group.
How much does Product Winner Blueprint cost?
The standard course costs $297 and there is an upsell for an additional $200 to the Google Ads course.
Last Updated on June 28, 2019 by Rhys Dale

Rhys is the owner and chief editor at Im Rhys and is living in Chisinau, Moldova. With over 15 years experience in eCommerce and Affiliate Marketing he has started many successful 6 and 7 figure businesses. After successes with USA and China dropshipping, he expanded into building 70+ micro affiliate websites in 30 different niches that generate money on autopilot. He now helps his wife to run her social media agency as well as travelling the world at every opportunity.
Well, I was watching him on youTube. His videos help. But I will stick to free content and learn by doing it. I think u need help only when you are in the growth phase.
Yea his course is great can confirm, his youtube content too & last but not least his one of the onlt gurus I know that is making a lot of money from ecom and focusing a lot on his stores rather than selling his courses.
Great guy!
Is his course worth it ?
>I’d say for beginners it’s more than worth it, just buy it eyes closed!
>For advanced people in ecom not really…
Rhys, I’m a newbie and I’ve read both of your reviews on Tristan’s course and Franklin’s course. Which one would you recommend for someone like me who is a total novice and has no previous experience with dropshipping at all? I know that both are priced at $197 which is great but it seems like each course has a different focus on how to start a dropshipping business.
Hi Brandi, I’d definitely say Franklin’s course if you’re a total beginner as it includes a more A-to-Z approach and has far more content and videos and a larger Facebook mastermind community that would be more beneficial for you. Hope this helps?
I’m not a total beginner. I’ve been studying and reading over articles upon articles, watching plenty of videos and taking notes, playing around with the FB Ad backend getting the hang of it all.
In this case – would Tristans course be better than Franklins? In the above comment you made sound as if Tristans might be the one to go for for people who have some experience, but aren’t experts.
Cheers for the in depth review.
Good evening Leigh,
Yes I would say go for Tristan’s course if you have done a lot of ground work already which it sounds like you already have as lots of Franklin’s course is probably already covered on Youtube and FB groups.
Appreciate if you do use my link, good luck with learning, see you in the FB mastermind group.
What kind of platform is this course hosted on? Other courses have such buggy platforms.
thanks for reviewing all these courses for us, you really help us to make a decision, have you heard about Jared Goetz and his ecom hacks is it any good? or doesn’t even worth the review? what do you think?
-Again thank you!
Have reviewed this recently, please search or check homepage. Thanks!
Could you please share screenshots of each modules contents? it would make it a lot easier to decide if this is the right course for me by looking at the title of the videos. There are a lot of courses out there are just useless, covering the same material that could be found on youtube for free.
I’m planning on getting Franklin’s course. But Im curious whether you would deem this one as complementary, since there both so affordable, to that one or would it just be repeating information about most if the same concepts?
Hi Jack, I’d say there is quite a lot of overlap but Tristan’s offers a lot more in terms of Google Ads and scaling. That means you’d probably need the fully fledged option of Tristan’s course which combines the Google Ads course. I’d start with Franklins $297 elites course, you may find you don’t need both? Hope this helps?
Hey Rhys,
Thanks for sharing your reviews. I am trying to decide between Ecom Elites and The Product WInner Blueprint/Google Ads Ecom academy.
I am a complete newbie to drop shipping. I definitely resonate with Tristan as I am a fellow Australian too and more geared towards him as the laws and advice would all be relevant. Franklin looks awesome as well however from my research his google ads training may not be as strong as Tristan. On the other hand Franklins course for the drop shipping looks stronger for a complete new bie.
I am unsure what to do? Should I purchase the standard $197 from Franklin and Just the google academy from Tristan for $397? Your advice would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Adam, I’d say it would be more beneficial to buy Tristan’s combined course ($497) which includes the standard drop shipping and Google Ads course. While Franklin’s is more rounder, Tristan gets straight to the point and if you’re a quick learner you’ll pick it up fast. The marketing section is great in both and it will save you $100 but yes Tristan’s Google Ads course has raving reviews.
Hi, Rhys!!
First of all, thank you for reviewing all those courses for us.
Seems like that I’m on the same situation as most of here, trying to decide whether go with Franklin’s or Tristan’s course.
I a TOTAL newbie, haven’t even start to build my store, but I’ve been watching some videos for a good week, by now.
I’ve watched Franklin’s videos, but I’ve been hearing good stuff about the guy’s course.
About Tristan, I watched some of his videos and I liked him. Had the same feeling you had, about him being a genuine and straight to the point guy, which I like. On one of his videos, I came across an advertising method that I really would like to try on my store (whenever it’s time), it’s the PPE method that helps to generate an organic growth of your business because of how it’s performed on FB (posts focused – tag and share).
So here is where lays my dilemma:
Should I go with Franklin’s course because he offers a step-by-step for newbies starting dropshipping OR should I go with Tristan’s because I liked his methodology on advertising?
Some people advise to go and learn by yourself by watching YouTube videos and of course, I would do that even if I do purchase a course.
I’m an easy learner (at least, I think) and the reason why I considered going for a course is that I rather follow a tested-proof methodology and to have access to an answer right when I need it, without having to research and evaluate what to do when I’m already overwhelmed trying to learn this new business model and all its variations.
Anyways, I would really appreciate your insight in this matter. I came across Wealth Affiliates in 2014 and decided not to go for it. I don’t want to delay any longer! I want to take action now and if something, regret for trying and not the opposite!
Thank you,
Hi Eve,
The PPE method is covered in both courses and Franklin’s course was updated completely a few months ago to reflect the new changes in Facebook. Tristans course has also been updated recently.
Personally if you’re a beginner then Franklin a far more rounded A-to-Z approach so I’d go for that. If you’d already bought another course and were looking for further in depth training then I’d buy Tristans course.
Tristan’s course now costs $397 so it’s $100-$200 more depending which package you took on eCom Elites too.
Yeh, definitely get a course, it follows a process and will help you immensely.
Let me know any other questions.
Hi Rhys,
Thanks for your reviews. Could you recommend a course that is detailed in email marketing?
Tristans course goes into detail, so does eCom Elites.
Hi and thankyou for your in-depth reviews. I have a question re their expected advertising budget. I watched a presentation on a different dropshipping training program which apparently specialised in small $5/day advertising campaigns. Do either of these programs teach something similar or is it expected that you should have a reasonably high advertising budget from the outset?
Tristan doesn’t teach the $5 per day method, Franklin at eCom Elites (review, I mentioned it there) does. While you definitely can start with $5 per day, results will be slower so if you can afford a higher budget then you’ll see faster results, it’s entirely up to you how fast you want to scale though.
“Hi Rhys
Enjoying the reviews just trying to decide whether to go with Franklins or Tristan’s course I’m based in Australia and a newbie.
For a newbie, definitely Franklin’s course, a more well rounded approach. There’s no Australian perspective from Tristan’s and both look at at it from a global perspective. Hope it helps?
Hello. Im a total newb in e-commerce and am interested to learn more about it. Just like to ask if the content is still relevant as of today 27Feb2020?
Yes it’s still relevant and up to date as of March 1st 2020