It’s been the most requested review of the last month so I bought myself a membership to give you an insiders guide into the eCom Inner Circle by Arie Scherson and today you’ll find out whether it’s worth the high price tag or whether there are better alternatives out there. This is my full in depth eCom Inner-Circle Review.
There are many gurus out there that are selling their own Shopify drop shipping course. Most are overhyped, over priced and offer little to no value. Arie Scherson seems like a genuine guy who doesn’t appear to flaunt his wealth (his ‘drop shipping bought me this car,’ video was a Ford, not a Lambo) and does give lots of value over at his Youtube channel.
At the time of writing his Youtube channel is a smallish 16,000 subscribers which I imagine will only grow over time as he releases more and more content. As people buy into his course I’m sure he will reinvest that money in ads and retargeting to convert his course even more.
Right now the course costs $397 and is hosted on the Teachable platform. If you’ve read my other reviews you’ll know I’m a huge fan of Teachable as you can watch on pretty much any device without comprising quality. The videos on the sales page and throughout the course do seem to be high quality HD content.
The sales page is pretty basic and I actually had a hard time locating the sales page until a reader provided the direct link to buy the course. At $397 it’s not the cheapest course on the market but it’s far from the crazy $2000+ courses that offer no extra benefits.
eCom Inner-Circle Review
If you click the link in one of his Youtube videos you’ll end up on the course sales page. Once you optin you’re redirected to Teachable where you can complete checkout via Paypal or Stripe. Your login details will be emailed instantly and then you can login and checkout the members area.
This is what you’re told to expect when going through the start of the course,
Ecom Inner-Circle is an online program that will allow you to fully master e-commerce, with an emphasis on Facebook advertising. The training will allow you to reach your first $100 day within 30 Days, no matter if you have any technical skills or any previous experience in e-commerce.
Module 1: Welcome
The first section includes a few videos for the introduction of the course, how to get the most of it and what you can expect to achieve. Arie recommends going through the course, making notes and taking action rather than simply going all guns blazing through the course from start to finish.
There is a video on how the inner-circle works and the is a section that explains the course will constantly be updated. That means for the front end price you shouldn’t need to pay again to get the latest strategies when it comes to Facebook ads, Shopify or drop shipping you’ll get updates. Time will tell if that actually happens.
Module 2: Store Setup
The next section is fairly straight forward and common in most courses. You’ll learn how to setup your high converting store after deciding whether you start a general or a niche store. The platform of choice is of course Shopify and after this module is complete you should have a fully functional store.
There were many videos in this section ranging in length from a few minutes through to 20. Arie goes into lots of detail which is good and expected from a course of $397. I did learn a few things that didn’t appear to be included in other eCom courses such as GDPR compliance and conversion optimization strategies.
There is a live store creation video where Arie goes into detail setting up his very own store. You may or may not need this video depending on how experienced you are but if you’re a beginner it does go into a lot of detail .
An apps video is included and lots of reference to Commerce Inspector which you might find beneficial to sign up for if you want to spy on other stores and find best selling products for your own store/s.
Other videos include how to create a professional logo for free and how to alter the checkout logo. A full video on why currency converter app should be included is also there alongside a video on how to setup your payment merchant, Stripe and Paypal are included by default.
The videos are good quality, fairly long and detailed. There is no messing around.
Module 3: Product Research (4,5,6 Figures)
This section includes all the product research videos you should need to find winning products and according to Arie find your winning 4 figure, 5 figure and 6 figure products. The videos start off with the simple ones that will suit beginners through to the more advanced videos such as how to find ‘uncommon hidden gems’ and using ‘secret’ additional software which actually turned out to just be a website called that Arie co owns that costs $97 a month.
In total there are six different methods for finding new products followed by two videos on adding high quality filler products and how to create winning copy for those products. This video is pretty long and goes on a bit. Lastly there is a video explaining how it will be difficult to find your first winning product especially if you’re just starting.
Module 4: Understanding Facebook Ads
This module is sort of like a basic introduction into the more advanced section on how to actually use Facebook ads which comes up in Module 5. Arie likes to think of this module as to the why rather than how you should Facebook Ads.
Videos in this section include the conceptual overview of FB ads and how you will test your products, actually quite an interesting video and you probably shouldn’t skip over this one. Next you’ll learn why Arie recommends you use a daily budget and why he uses that strategy. It’s interesting to see how this compares.
Next is a section on BEP, what exactly it is and why it’s important, not many courses cover this. Lastly is a section on how many products you should test and why you should start with many products.
Module 5: Facebook Ads
Okay so this is normally the biggest section of any drop shipping course, as without traffic you probably don’t have a business. You could make use of free traffic, SEO etc but Facebook Ads is still one of the fastest ways to get a return on your investment (if done correctly). The first video shows you how to setup business manager account and install your pixel.
It’s good to see this is a rather new course and the imagery and keywords mentioned accurately reflect what you would see if you actually followed the course and setup your account the same way. Next you’ll create a good looking Facebook page and then Arie will show you over 20 minutes how to create a high converting video ad.
Next are some split testing videos and how to do this effectively, interesting videos and a different strategy to some other gurus I’ve written about in the past. There’s a section creating your first campaign live with a follow along video over 25 minutes and the 3 day launch with things to look out for.
Next is a section on scaling and getting your first sale and how to correctly optimize and layout your Facebook ads account for easy reporting and monitoring. How to deal with failures and campaigns that slowly died to try and save them follows.
Lastly a section on how to scale further and faster and how to lower ad costs.
After all the courses I’ve reviewed this is probably the third biggest Facebook ads section in a course, closely behind Tristan Broughtons course but no match for Franklin Hatchett’s which includes over 50 videos on Facebook and Instagram ads.
Module 6: Advanced Facebook Ads
This module is for those of you that have succeeded with basic Facebook ads and probably made a few dollars online. You’ll learn how to implement look a like audiences, create custom audiences and retargeting. There’s quite a lot of detail here and you won’t find most of this content on his Youtube channel or in other courses of a similar price.
Next is a section on micro testing and how he recommends you can succeed in going from 5 figures to 6 figures quickly. There is a section how to calculate order fulfillment capacity (important section apparently, didn’t learn too much though) and then how to manual bid and use it to your advantage.
Lastly there is a $10,000 per day case study which is the usual (doesn’t include much info for us all to copy lol) and another case study on how he went from $0 to $50,000 in 2 months.
Module 7: Maximizing Profits
This section focuses on how you can maximize your profits from the back end of your store. To give you an example there is a plugin on bulk pricing that is recommended you install to use effective up selling. There is also a video on creating an abandoned cart recovery email sequence for additional profits. You can learn how to use Shopify automatic emails to your advantage and email chains for buyers to sell them on additional products.
There is also a video on using Manychat which is a good way to retarget buyers on Facebook for free. It was disappointing to see no mention of plugins such as Carthook which offer one click upsells for exploding your average customer order value.
Module 8: Build Your Brand
This last module focuses on building a long term brand with a few short videos on how to do that. Arie only recommends building a brand once you have found winning products from a general store. You’ll learn how to outsource and get VA’s and build a global team and how to create your own unique branded goods. You can then add an affiliate program to build organic traffic and brand awareness.
Module 9: Resources
Rather than write about the resource videos and content I’ve included a screenshot on what you get in this section. There is a few copy and paste pages and additional reading materials.
Facebook Mastermind
One of the additional benefits about the course is the ability to join the Facebook mastermind which is where you can interact and communicate with the course creator, Arie and other members of the course. It’s not as large a mastermind as you’d expect but as numbers grow, so will the content and community. I’m not one for joining all the groups of courses I recommend but it is available to you if you’re starting out.
Money Back Guarantee
The eCom Inner Circle course offers a 30 day money back guarantee so if you have any queries or are unhappy with your purchase you can request a refund of the course cost. There is no mention of any requirements or limitations in requesting a refund of the course fee. There is no coupon and no discount code for the course.
Final Verdict
I thoroughly enjoyed the content in the inner circle and Arie does seem to know what he’s talking about. After watching his Youtube videos it’s obvious he’s not a faker claiming huge numbers to upsell his course. While he may be a guru for creating his own course, he does offer lots of value and content at a relatively low price point. If you’re looking for a course similar to eCom Elites or Product Winner Blueprint, Arie’s course might just be what you’re looking for.
If you enjoyed my eCom inner circle review then drop a comment below.
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- Arie Scherson Review
- Arie Scherson Net Worth
Last Updated on August 20, 2018 by Rhys Dale

Rhys is the owner and chief editor at Im Rhys and is living in Chisinau, Moldova. With over 15 years experience in eCommerce and Affiliate Marketing he has started many successful 6 and 7 figure businesses. After successes with USA and China dropshipping, he expanded into building 70+ micro affiliate websites in 30 different niches that generate money on autopilot. He now helps his wife to run her social media agency as well as travelling the world at every opportunity.
Hey Rhys! Thank you for the review. It is very unbiased, well written, and comprehensive 🙂
I just wanted to clear up one thing. I do not co-own product list genie by any means! Or any other software for that matter. It is owned by Gabriel Beltran and his partner Coach Gianny. Hope you can remove that small part of the review.
Thanks for your consideration, and keep doing what you are doing its awesome for the community!
-Arie Scherson
Is this course still available for sale? What I understand from Arie’s YT channel is there is currently a waitlist and he will release the course soon again.
Not sure, haven’t looked at it for a few months. It’s likely the price will go up so I’d much rather checkout Franklins course.
Hi, Rhys.
Arie seems to have relaunched his course with higher price tags already.
Not really impressed.
Checkout eCom Elites then, it’s been updated to 2.0. Far better course imo.
I’m a newbie
Should i get this course
Is there anything like
This course is only for Advance peoples…?
Would recommend Franklin Hatchett’s course for beginners.
His course is another UDEMY $19.95 course on how to run facebook ads hyped up. He shows how to setup fb campaigns, and test products at the start on small spend through the Facebook Business Manager on video.
His ‘case studies’ however, his 10k a day, and his 50k case studies miraculously switch to powerpoint style with screenshots rather than being inside the FB Ad Manager.
In my experience every fake guru does this; throw around claims while promoting their guru course, and when students buy it they see powerpoint and slides and graphics rather than in the facebook ad manager, going through and digging in the data.
This Nerd is a fake who makes money selling courses. I regret buying this course; didn’t teach me anything more than what I already knew, and other concepts.