eCom Elites Module 8 Review


This is a module in the eCom Elites course called Module 8, Google Ads. This module provides an introduction into using Google Adwords, Google Shopping and how this platform can benefit your eCommerce store in a whole new way compared with Instagram and Facebook.

This training is a new additional for the 2019 update and includes 17 lessons on the entire process, over the shoulder from setup to implementation and tracking. 

17 Videos (3 Hours)

Video 1: Google Ads Introduction

This video is an introduction to Google and how it works, what type of ads you can run and why you should definitely be considering using Google Ads or Google Shopping, if your business model suits. 

Franklin compares Facebook with Google and the key differences between each. 

It can be a lot cheaper for certain types of businesses. 

The first video was: 5 minutes. New For: 2019

Video 2: Google vs Facebook

This video is rightly positioned here as it expands on the differences between Facebook and Google and why you would use each platform. The main gist comes down to your products, Google is where people go to buy what they already know they need or want. Facebook is more of an impulse purchase. 

This video was 4 minutes. New For: 2019.

Video 3: Setting Up Google Account

You'll learn with Franklin Hatchett how to create a Google account. Now before you ask, it's not a standard account and if you've got one already you can turn that into a Google Ads account. 

You must have a website before you can signup for Google Ads. 


This video was 11 minutes. New For: 2019.

Video 4: Installing Google Pixel

The next video is fairly standard, you're probably going to be an expert at this point. You'll learn how to activate and install the Google pixel on your eCommerce store within minutes. 

This video was 15 minutes. New For: 2019. 

Video 5: Create An Audience

This video goes into the depths of audiences and creating your very first audience. This could be a custom audience using data from your own store or simply using the data from Google. 

Regardless of the method used, Hatchett will show you how to set this up. 

This video was 4 minutes. New For: 2019. 

Video 6: How Google Bidding Works

Google bidding, similar to Facebook bidding isn't as straight forward these days and in this video Franklin goes into detail about how it works, how to bid effectively and not blow through your budget. 

This video was 12 minutes. New For: 2019. 

Video 7: General Keyword Research

One of the best features of Google Ads is the ability to drill down on specific keywords without the need for a premium keyword research tool such as Ahrefs, Semrush or KeySearch. 

Franklin shows you how to do effective keyword research for your first campaign. 

This video was 22 minutes. New For: 2019. 

Video 8: Create Google Text Ad

This video shows you over the shoulder how to create your very first Google text ad. By now you've probably realized there is many types of ads you can choose from, but this video focuses on static ads. 

You'll learn how to place this all over the web on various Google properties including Youtube. 

This video was 21 minutes. New For: 2019. 

Video 9: Google Retargeting

Google retargeting works the same way as other platforms the course already covered such as Facebook and Instagram. You can choose how best to retarget your visitors whether that's through static images or video ads. 

Franklin shows you how to setup Youtube retargeting ads. 

This video was 10 minutes. New For: 2019.

Video 10: Google Shopping - Merchant Account

This is probably the most promising advertisement method right now as you can target visitors that are potentially looking for your products before they actually arrive on your product pages. 

Franklin shows you how to setup the Merchant Account. You must have an active website with products before you can complete this process so make sure you do that first.  

This video was 9 minutes. New For: 2019.

Video 11: Google Shopping - The App

This video is important as it shows you how to integrate your Shopify store with Google Merchant. 

Franklin shows you what you need to install and how to setup your feeds. Don't skip this section, it's very important to ensure your feed is showing the correct prices. 

This video was 17 minutes. New For: 2019.

Video 12: Google Shopping - Optimize For Keywords

This video shows you what keywords to target and how to optimize them so you're not wasting money on useless keywords that no one is actually looking to buy from. 

The video has a strong focus on using Google Ads Keyword Plan. 

This video was 19 minutes. New For: 2019.

Video 13: Google Shopping - Setup Your Ads

You're finally ready to create your first Google Shopping Ads with this video. Follow along for 19 minutes as Franklin goes through the entire process of setting up your first ads. By the end of this your ads should be showing up in the left side or top of Google for your chosen keywords. 

Franklin has a strong emphasis on bidding and targeting strategies. 

This video was 19 minutes. New For: 2019.

Video 14: Google Shopping - Activate Youtube Ads

If you've never heard or considered Youtube Shopping Ads then you'll find everything you need to know about it here with this over the shoulder training on how it can help explode sales. 

This video was 2 minutes. New For: 2019.

Video 15: Optimize And Scale

So you've got all this data but what do you actually need to know to drill down, kill losers and scale winners. Well Franklin does a great job at showing us how to actually optimize and scale ads here. 

This video was 21 minutes. New For: 2019.

Video 16: Optimize With Negative Keywords

You'll learn how to optimize negative keywords and remove those that aren't working and simply costing us money. You'd be surprised how helpful this video really is. 

This video was 5 minutes. New For: 2019.

Video 17: Optimize With Time

Google allows you to track impressions, views and cost at various times of the day allowing you to see which hours are the most profitable and which ones are worthless.

You'll be able to see trends, is your product popular during the evenings vs the mornings? Provided you're using your pixel you'll see your conversions too and can then show ads only during your hottest times. 

This video was 6 minutes. New For: 2019.

My Final Verdict

Very few dropshipping courses focus on Google Ads and Google Shopping but thankfully for those of you considering the Ultimate package from eCom Elites you can get access to 17 extensive video's on the entire process from A-to-Z. 

It's clear Franklin Hatchett has made money with the techniques taught in this section of the course and Google is another traffic source that is more suited to higher priced products or physical products that someone might be actively looking for. 

Franklin will show you:

  • The differences between Google and Facebook/Instagram
  • How to setup a Google business account
  • How to install the Google pixel on your store
  • How to create audiences within Google manager
  • How Google bidding works, how to find keywords to target
  • How to create a physical Google text ad
  • An overview on Google retargeting and creating ads for this
  • Setting up a Google Shopping merchant account
  • Creating a Google Shopping campaign, advert and optimizing for keywords
  • Optimizing your campaigns with time and negative keywords. 
Video Quality 95%
Sound Quality 90%
Content Quality 90%