9To5 Dropouts Review: T-Shirt Business In 4 Weeks?

Are you thinking of leaving your 9 to 5? Well that's what Mike Nelson of 9 to 5 Dropouts claims you can do by starting a wildly explosive t-shirt business, getting your first order within 29 days, no skills necessary.

You've probably seen the Youtube and Facebook ads for this relatively unknown entrepreneur who claims to be killing it online, while helping thousands of students around the world drop out of their 9to5's. 

It sounds amazing, you really can start your own printing business anywhere in the world, with no experience. You'll be promised 'free training' on a webinar, that would otherwise cost $5,000 - $25,000. 

The webinar is fake, i.e. it's not live. Click the button and it just so happens the next one is launching in the next 15 minutes. It's pre-recorded and claims it will be taken offline in the coming days. 

After joining the webinar, you're invited to join the free Facebook group with 23,590 other members. Also you can experience the wealth and luxury over on his Instagram, then download a workbook for the webinar.  

You can watch the full video/webinar here.

What's on the free webinar? 

The webinar starts, with fake comments down the right side. It's 1 hour 17 minutes long. You're told if you stay till the end you'll get a special bonus that will get your store up and running for free in the next 24 hours.

The webinar makes it very clear, you can start this business for free. And that part is semi right, you can start a t-shirt business using a free Shopify trial or a Teespring account.

But you will need to pay $29 per month eventually and need a marketing budget. Without this, you won't make a dime, so it's not really true that you can start for free, is it? 

Mike claims his goal is to help 100 people leave their job by 31/12/2019. 

The webinar goes on to show you his success story. Photos, you know the ones that sell you on the dream as to how easy this business model really is. 

Then you're shown his first ever t-shirt, 'Sweat dries, blood clots, bones heal, Suck it up princess' which was created for free and made $597. 

This was followed by various t-shirts and hoodies he created. They all look pretty average but he claims people were buying them with him making up to $11,316 in 7 days. 

You then get more photos of his life and what his new found success allowed him to do. You'll learn what the print on demand strategy is and why it's so lucrative. 

Mike focuses on creating an Instagram page to then sell your products. For example you'd create a page for 'Dog Lovers' and then sell your t-shirts to these people, meaning you can sell for free. 

However this method is fairly dated and doesn't always work. You really need to invest in Facebook Ads and other paid ad methods to make serious cash.

It's highly unlikely Mike made his 'millions' from selling via Instagram pages. 

Who is Mike Nelson? 

Mike Nelson claims to have been a broke man who was working 60 hours per week as an underpaid employee at a dead end job. That's when he had a brainwave and decided to start his own t-shirt business. 

In a little over a year he built a wildly profitable business that allowed him to buy is own home, go on holiday and help others to do the same.

I find it really hard to believe in 1 year he was able to buy a house through dropshipping t-shirts. I think you'll find he made all his money from selling a course on starting a t-shirt business. 

Lots of Success Stories

The course has many testimonials of Mike Nelson's course, you only have to look on the sales page or on Youtube. There's plenty of them, but guess what?

No one shows you their stores. Ever.

40 minutes into the webinar is when all these success stories start to come out.

9to5 dropouts review

9 To 5 Dropouts Review

The course currently costs $197 and is hosted on Thinkific which is a platform that ensures your videos look and feel great on any platform such as desktop or mobile.

You also get lifetime access to the course which includes access to all future updates. 

The course claims to have 700 successful students and you could be next. You get access to the 4 week t-shirt bootcamp, access to the Facebook community as well as templates and a marketing course. 

He claims the course is worth $5,085 which of course is self-rated and can be bought for $297 with a $100 discount. Then a fake countdown timer of 22 minutes starts, don't be fooled into thinking you have to act now. 

You then get sold on the dream once again, success stories, pictures of passive income and a question and answer session where every question has a simple answer or solution. 

Course Content

The course includes a welcome section. Each part of the course is only available every 7 days. So that 14 day refund? Yeah you can't even watch all the content before it's expired. 

Week 1: Building Foundations

In the first week you get access to an introductory video on what you can expect. This is followed by a video on picking a profitable niche, building a brand around your niche and access to 1,000 profitable niches.

You then get a document on how to build your store including creating a logo for your brand. 

You then get a long video on actually going through the process of setting up your Shopify store setting everything up including choosing a theme, adding your pages and basic apps etc. 

There's a video on the live week one call which was actually on the 5th of February but is a replay for anyone buying the course now. 

This module was pretty vague and very short indeed. There was five videos, a few documents, a PDF file and of course the 'live' coaching call. 

Week 2: Winning Designs

Another short module, this time looking at designs and how you can find and get your designs created. Now remember Mike mentioned you could get started for free? Well how can you get designs made for free? You can't.

You can of course do the work yourself but you'll probably need a online image creator which also costs money. 

You will learn how to hire a designer to create them for you, you can also use Fiverr where you can get designs for $5-$15 per.

Then there is a live week training call or a replay for those buying the course now. So yeah, you can't create t-shirts for free. 

Module 3: Launching Store

In week three you'll learn additional basics about your store including creating a domain name for your store and how to link these together.

You'll then learn about Mike's favorite print on demand companies. You'll be able to connect these together with a built-in app. 

Examples include Customcat, Printful etc.

Module 4: Marketing Store

You;ll learn how to work with influencers and how to find influencers to promote your products. Oh and guess what? This costs money too. 

You'll learn how to use a sample outreach letter to contact them. Then you'll also learn how to add the Facebook pixel to your store.

I found that a bit strange as there is no training on actually using Instagram or Facebook ads included in the course. 


You currently get access to 3 bonuses on how to grow your Intsagram account organically so you don't need to pay Influencers, additionally you'll learn how to hire a designer the right way. 

A very basic set of bonuses. 

Refund Policy

To get a refund for the course, you have to test drive the program for 14 days and complete all the homework. You must watch all content, participate in discussions and if you find it's not for you in the first 14 days you can get a full refund. So you must take action to qualify. 

Final Verdict

9 to 5 Dropouts is a really basic insight into the world of print on demand. Honestly I'm shocked as to how much content is actually in the course vs the thousands of students that have signed up. 

You get promised heaps in the sales page but the content fails to deliver on most of those promises. For example you are constantly told how you can start for free, when you clearly can't.

Clearly Mike didn't make his millions flogging t-shirts, he made it from selling his course to 20,000 students. $197 x 20,000 is $3.9 million dollars. Go figure. 

If you want to start an eCommerce business you need to know so much more about the business model. You need to learn how to market your products using platforms such as Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, Snapchat, Google Ads and Google Shopping. These topics are not covered in 9-to-5 dropouts. 

You also need to learn how to optimize your pages, create sales funnels, create email marketing campaigns, create sms marketing campaigns, create retargeting ads, as well as integrate Chatbots.

Ultimately all these topics are missing from 9 to 5 dropouts. I'd be surprised if you could leave your job after implementing what's taught in this course. You need a course that actually offers content and guidance that will show you the entire A-to-Z process. For that eCom Elites, same price offers 150+ videos on the entire process. 

Start A Real eCommerce Business

The best beginner eCommerce course is called eCom Elites and includes 180 videos on the entire A-to-Z process of eCommerce. 

You get access to an extensive product research section where you'll learn how to find your own winning products. 

Also get access to 30+ Facebook Ads videos, Google Shopping, Google Ads, Youtube, Retargeting, Google SEO.

Plus the best part is a community of like minded people. Currently there's over 6,000+ other students that bought the course.

Last Updated on November 12, 2019 by Rhys Dale

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8 thoughts on “9To5 Dropouts Review: T-Shirt Business In 4 Weeks?”

  1. The $200 course introduced me to Shopify (an amazing online service), the world of POD, and many things about marketing on Instagram and Facebook I could not have learned elsewhere, or else not without a lot of effort from unrelated sources. Mike’s best advice comes from his Hoodies course which provides a more focused presentation. It is not necessary to have a Shopify account to get started.

    Mike is not a particularly skilled presentator – if he was, there would have been a lot of BS thrown in. Really! A lot of how to make money tutorials are pure BS with exaggerated claims to what the course buyer is getting. I liked Mike’s presentational honesty.

    He repeatedly said “you have to work at it for success” and “you have to spend money.” I suspect that some people who started their businesses did not hear that. In addition, his second course on Hoodies was more to the point of what you should do to start a T-shirt business.

    He does not provide information on how to set up a store. Frankly, Shopify is more than awesome. To use, individuals really should spend a lot of time with the software. I’ve been involved in Shopify’s Facebook group and often leave extremely pointed messages to people outside of Mike’s 9to5ers. I don’t do that inside his group because because, well, they aren’t asking! I do provide tips, however, and I have learned a lot from other members that I would not have learned outside of the group.

    My background is writer-programmer-book author-artist and lots of stuff that made the information Mike provided exceptionally valuable. The idea that I could control my own sales cash register without relying on Etsy or Amazon became a blessing beyond belief.

    Now, have I made money? I started the program last October (2019). As I do all my own art, I opened officially in mid-November, created some Facebook promotions and promptly discovered I chose the wrong nitche. In addition, I made all sorts of ad choice mistakes. The good news is that my ads got a lot of traction BUT….

    On January 1st, I deleted my existing store, changed my URL, created new products and did a lot of research I skipped that Mike did recommend. As of this past Monday, February 10, I officially kicked off my store and I start my first paid ads tomorrow.

    Do I expect to make tens of thousands by the end of the month? Well, I always expect good things to happen, especially if I study and am around enthusiastic people. I learned a lot about starting an online business from Mike as well as other people on the web, all of which provides a good foundation for growth.

    I have no idea what you will allow to be printed, but my regular website (which I also revamped) is Littleviews.com and my product website (gift center) is Sketch-Views.com.

  2. I paid for his boot amp I haven’t received any information/ webinar and I keep emailing them and no response. I have also asked for a refund and have not heard anything. I am pissed I don’t have money to give away but I thought I was investing into myself for my business and didn’t receive anything.

  3. He’s long winded trying to sell his 4week boot camp and during his presentation he promises to provide the 3 print on demand companies and a bonus if you stay to the end which he doesn’t

  4. I did not find much value in the 9to5dropout course. The course will suggest using a lot of sass platforms such as Canva, PlaceIt and Shopify (which has a free trial period). This trial period from Shopify is pretty good as it gives a 1 hour 33 mins • 27 lessons course with good information.
    In my opinion this 9to5Dropout can be avoided and the user go straight to Shopify and other free online marketing courses. The 9to5Dropout does not provide any “invaluable” information. Everything mentioned can be found else where. Save your money, put that towards your business and do your own homework. The fact that you are reading these reviews shows you have some business intuition which can help you avoid unnecessary expenses.

  5. I ordered the training package and never received a payment confirmation, no email stating when will i receive my order, steady getting these run around instant messaging asking me what email did i use to order, they only have one email that i used, matter of fact i receive emails from Mike regarding webinars and links, si i request my $61.99 back but no response, customer service always say they will respond in 24 hrs but when they did respond the message stated my message i sent to them was bland; what ever that means, to me they saying they never received my message. This is a fraud, my order was $37 plus $24.99 was additional course. Never received anything not a email saying when i will receive the order and not a confirmation for receiving my money, im requesting a refund.


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